I am a child psychiatrist as well as an addiction psychiatrist. One of the substances that is a big deal is the use of marijuana among teens. This group is more so vulnerable to the use of marijuana effects. Approximately 60% among new users every year fall below age 18. Additionally, more than half of the admissions on adolescent substance treatment involves marijuana. After the exploding use of medical marijuana in Colorado, my program on adolescent substance treatment continues to witness numerous referrals. Also, teenagers report continuous severe marijuana dependence. The medical marijuana marketing targets, specifically the youth. However, since their brains aren't fully developed, teenagers will highly likely get addicted to marijuana compared with adults.Among the first -time users, 17% of adolescents continue developing dependence as well as abuse. It compares with 4% of individuals first using marijuana as adults. For instance, teens using marijuana before reaching 18 years when compared with teens who never used it before the age, will have three times increased risks of developing psychosis permanently during adulthood. Finally, marijuana use also contributes to the development of other substance use disorders since it primes the brain for this. It means that the adolescent's brain may shift to respond to addictive substances. Several studies indicate that teens using marijuana are highly likely to use other substances.